Tuesday, August 6, 2019

श्रीगुरुभ्यो नमः  
श्री महागणपतये नमः  
भव शंकरदेशिक मे शरणम् 
 Be Thou my refuge, O Acharya, Sankara!

This blog is dedicated to my beloved 
and Devi Sarasvati, the Goddess of learningliterature and music.

प्रणो देवी सरस्वती वाजेभिर्वाजिनीवती । धीनामवित्र्यवतु 
(Rgveda, 6.61.4; Taittiriya-samhita,

Being a student of the divine language Samskrtam, I had the opportunity to go through several of the classical texts from my school days till my post-graduation years. I graduated in Microbiology followed by a Master's in Music and Master's in Samskrtam.

By learning different subjects, I believe that I have been exposed to various facets of languages and subjects often leading to mixed thoughts and sometimes crossroads lending to my generalist view. A keen interest and passion in some segments has given me a meaningful thrust to pursue them with utmost sincerity and dedication, shaping my personality as a generalist in some subjects and specialist in few others. This blog is an attempt to document the uncommon things I have heard, read, learnt, seen in different segments or experienced in different aspects of life bringing a whole new perspective to my outlook. This has rendered a character to my thought process and my personality.

"Many of the obstacles, at every step occur for something good and auspicious" -- cautions a Purana:

श्रेयांसि बहुविघ्नानि सम्भवन्ति पदेपदे 
sreyamsi bahuvighnani sambhavanti pade-pade.
(Garuda, 2.21.9)

From those involved in ignoble deeds, even obstacles stay away! -- says another verse:

अश्रेयसि प्रवृत्तानां दूरं यान्ति विनायकाः 
asreyasi pravrttanam duram yanti vinayakah.

Gave a thought again, should I commence? Warning of Visnusarman echoed:

"The first sign of intelligence is not to initiate any action. Having initiated, the second sign of intelligence is to carry it forward to completion."

अनारम्भो हि कार्याणां प्रथमं बुद्धिलक्षणम् 
आरभस्यान्तगमनं द्वितीयं बुद्द्धिलक्षणं   
anarambho hi karyanam 
prathamam buddhi-laksanam
dvitiyam buddi-laksanam
(Pancatantra, 3.127)

Both the negative options appeared to be unacceptable. Heart of hearts a desire was there to accomplish something. Then, how could one build confidence?

Finally, the great Bhartrhari came to my rescue. He whispered: 

There are three categories of people who think deeply before embarking upon an under-taking. Test your strength. Be the third. Do not lose heart.

“Weak minded people never commence a task for fear of encountering obstacles. The mediocre ones begin an assignment but abandon it when faced with impediments. But ideal persons though repeatedly hindered by hurdles do not give up, once they have begun.”

प्रारभ्यते न खलु विघ्नभयेन नीचैः 
प्रारभ्यविघ्नविहता विरमन्ति मध्याः 
विघ्नैः पुनः पुनरपि प्रतिहन्यमानाः 
प्रारब्धमुत्तमगुणाः न परित्यजन्ति 
prarabhyate na khalu vighnabhayena nicaih
prabhya vighnavihata viramanti madhyah
vighnaih punah punarapi pratihanyamanah
prarabdham uttamagunah na parityajanti.
(Nitisatakam, 1.27)

"The gods derived neither satisfaction from the precious gems nor fright from the fierce poison, of the great (milky) ocean; (samudra-manthanam) they did not desist until they obtained the amrta (nectar). (Indeed), the courageous never swerve from their set target."

रत्नैर्महाब्धेस्तुतुषुर्न देवाः  लेभिरे भीमविषेण भीतिम् 
सुधां विना  प्रययुर्विरामं  निश्चितार्थाद् विरमन्ति धीराः 
ratnair mahabdhes tutusur na devah 
na lebhire bhimavisena bhitam
sudham vina na prayur viramam 
na niscitarthad viramanti dhirah.

I grouped myself into the third category designed by Bhartrhari to enter and see it through, praying my ista-devas, for its continuity and success. 

Ultimately, the Veda instilled CONFIDENCE.

Prajapati desired, 'May I create offspring.' He did penance, he created serpents. He desired, 'May I create offspring.' He did penance a second time, he created birds. He desired, 'May I create offspring.' He did penance a third time, he saw this speech of the consecrated, he spoke it. Then indeed did he create offspring.

प्रजापतिरकामयतप्रजाः सृजेयेतिस तपोऽतप्यत, स सर्पानसृजतसोऽकामयतप्रजाः सृजेयेतिसः द्वितीयमतप्यतस वयांस्यसृजतसोऽकामयत प्रजाः सृजेयेतिस तृतीयमतप्यतस एतं दीक्षितवादमपश्यत्तमवदत्ततो वै स प्रजा असृजत, ...
(Taittiriya-samhita, 3.1.1)

Even the progenitor Brahma tried thrice to achieve his goal of creation of mankind! This is a message.

Thank you. 

SriSankara Jayanti
Thursday, May 9, 2019

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